Worship life

Worship Resources

Season of Creation resources and links

A Rocha Christian Conservation Organisation. A superb website on our biblical calling with 5 core commitments to their vision.


  • Christian – Underlying all we do is our biblical faith in the living God, who made the world, loves it, and entrusts it to the care of human society.
  • Conservation – We carry out research for the conservation and restoration of the natural world and run environmental education programmes for people of all ages.
  • Community – Through our commitment to God, each other, and the wider creation, we aim to develop good relationships both within the A Rocha family and in our local communities.
  • Cross-cultural – We draw on the insights and skills of people from diverse cultures, both locally and around the world.
  • Co-operation – We work in partnership with a wide variety of organizations and individuals who share our concerns for a sustainable world.

Auckland Council website on how we can all participate. www.livelightly.nz

Vote Climate 2020voteclimate2020.wordpress.com
Awesome website created by the school strike climate change young voices.

Youtube Links

Holy Spirit Prayer & SONG –  I AM IN CHRIST: link

James K Baxter Poem ‘Song to the Holy Spirit’ set to image and music: link

SONG LORD GIVER OF THIS DAY set to Lyrics and Image: link

Tom Wright Video WHAT IS THE GOSPEL: link


This is the Day ( Te Rangimarie )



Musical notation download: This_is_the_Day_(Te_Rangimarie)

Lyrics download: This is the Day – Lyrics 

A special thanks to:   Kids of Te Papapa School https://www.tepapapa.school.nz/

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