We are very aware that there are people new to St George’s so here are some important explanations around our finances.
INTERNET BANKING: Westpac Bank account
#03-0104-0109844-01 with name and giving number.*
EFTPOS: Available at the back of the church.
DONATION BOX: Available at the back of the church.
St George’s is self-financing, and we only exist because of the faithful generosity of you, our community.
Every year we have our Annual AGM where our accounts are explained, and full opportunity given for anyone to ask questions and receive answers.
Most importantly, ALL of the giving we receive serves one purpose only. Our mission call to be a people who proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom. Be it our weekly operational costs or our local and overseas mission work, all donations received serve our calling to be the God flavours and colours in our local community and beyond.
We acknowledge that we ask in a time of cost-of-living increases but each year the costs that enable this church to operate also increases so it’s important we continue to raise our regular giving. Finances raised isn’t to just ‘maintain’ what we currently do but to continue investing in growing and deepening our mission expressions.
We want to raise the profile of our Endowment fund which allows the possibility of large ‘one off’ donations for any reason, including bequests in a will. It’s a fund that accrues interest and gives us the ongoing opportunity to stay on the front foot and meet any sudden financial challenges and the inevitable maintenance and upkeep needs.
But also, to invest in a particular area of ministry that requires it, such as our Youth.So today we are asking you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute to our vision aspirations. We acknowledge that everyone has different financial capabilities and all we ask is that you consider what you may be able to give.
• You may be fairly new to St George’s and feel that this is your community, so we ask that you consider making a commitment to regular giving.
• You may be part of our growing online community and we ask you to help support our vision aspirations.
• You may already be a regular giver, and we thank you for all of your continued support.
• You may be in a position to consider making a large one-off donation.
Whatever you are able to give, please know that we are immensely grateful for your contributions that we may continue to sow kingdom seeds for our beautiful kingdom calling and our vision of hope.